Addicts are not the only ones hurting
There are many organizations making efforts to reach people who are trapped in addiction. However, behind every addict is a less often talked about group of people: the family. They are silent sufferers. Addiction has a ripple effect and deeply impacts these people as well. I personally have experienced both sides: I know the agony of being in addiction, and I know the difficulty of having a loved one in addiction. Both situations are extremely painful. If you have a loved one in addiction, we at Lazarus know you are hurting. It is our desire to offer you support and encouragement as you navigate through this difficult season.
You are Not Alone
There is a popular hash tag dominating the internet these days: #inthistogether. While it refers to the COVID-19 crisis, it can also apply to families of addicts. Around the world there are thousands of people who have a son, daughter, brother, sister, or parent who is struggling with addiction. Sometimes it helps just knowing that there are others who can commiserate with you. With that in mind:
Together - We empathize with the sleepless nights of wondering where your loved one is or even if they are still alive.
Together - We know what it is like to tearfully look through old photos of a loved one, while watching their potentially fruitful life waste away in addiction.
Together - We know the feelings of being lied to, manipulated, and stolen from, and yet, still loving the perpetrator so deeply.
Together - We sympathize when your crying grandchild asks, “Grandma, where is my mommy?” as you hold them tightly in your arms.
Together - We relate to the thought, “What did I do wrong that caused them to turn to substance abuse?”
Conflicting questions also fill your mind: Should I lock the door and show them tough love? Should I embrace them with a hug and tell them I love them? Should I just let my emotions rage and ‘scream’ at them, telling them how much they have hurt this family? We recognize the grieving heart, the hidden loneliness, the anger toward God, the feelings of failed parenting. You are not crazy, and your situation is not an anomaly. There are countless families facing similar situations.
Don’t Be Afraid to Seek Support
C.S Lewis said, “Friendship … is born at the moment when one man says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.’” Most assuredly, there are people in your own community who are going through a similar situation as you. Don’t be afraid to reach out or meet for conversation. And although Lazarus does not currently host an official support group, we do offer prayer and a listening ear. Feel free to give us a call. We will do our best to support you in any way possible.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13).